I cannot get into the echo chamber strike
I cannot get into the echo chamber strike

i cannot get into the echo chamber strike

  • Freudian Excuse: Both Tom and Zack have these.
  • In Terrible Interviewees Montage, she does the two-handed version.
  • The Administrator, who is both out of frame from just below the eyes and up, and back-lit so that his features are almost completely obscured by shadow.
  • Zack starts to avert this slightly more as of Season 2, in several episodes (notably 2x09), there are moments where you can see pretty much all of him except his eyes. The Season 1 finale has Zack talking with his face partially obscured by his camera and then when he pulls it down he is facing opposite the camera. Lampshaded in episode 10 the only defining features of Zack's sock puppet are a derpy tongue poking out and a camera. And again partially episode 6 due to a Visible Boom Mic moment. You also see him briefly in episode 4 when Dana leaves for the night and it cuts to a view of him holding the camera. And even then, it's so dark that you don't really see anything. Administrator is somewhat reminiscent of The Chief from Agents of Cracked, another webseries that depicts a fictionalized version of two people working to create content for a website. Administrator sometimes orders Tom and Dana to change their show in some way.
  • Dana is using an Apple laptop in Episode 10.
  • #I cannot get into the echo chamber strike full#

    The Editing Suite where they speak to the Administrator also seems to be full of iMacs.Presumably, this trope will continue to show up in every episode where his computer is shown. Tom is shown using an Apple laptop in episodes 4, 5, 6 and 10.Drama Bomb: The last four episodes of season 2 are more serious than all the preceding episodes.

    i cannot get into the echo chamber strike

    Conversational Troping: Happens a lot with this being about tropes.Zack: You keep your dead cat in a box, too? And judging by his uncle Bill, It Runs in the Family. Character Blog: Both Zack's in-character Twitter account and the Production Blog which seems to be written by Shannon.The last four episodes of season 2 each advance at least one of the show's arcs, all of them are Darker and Edgier than any of the episodes that came before them, and the season 2 finale in particular implies that there will be much more of this syndrome in the third season, (which Word Of God says will be the last one). Cerebus Syndrome: Slides into this gradually the first somewhat serious arc begins in episode 3, but the arc episodes get somewhat more common and serious in season 2.He was also making amazing, heart-wrenching films when he was nine years old. He is good with After Effects, has a PhD, and delivered a baby once. Brutal Honesty: Dana apparently feels no need to be nice with anything she says to Tom, and tells him that he's completely incompetent, his videos are awful and she hates his guts.In episode 16, he gives said box to Dana for her birthday. In Episode 1 Zack makes a joke about keeping a dead cat in a box (Schrodinger's Cat).In Episode 6, you see Tom first cooking rice and later pouring copious amounts of salt onto it. In Episode 4, Tom tells Dana that the only food he has is rice, but that she could put salt on it.Episode 5: Bend over backwards to accommodate me! Episode 6: It's like she couldn't even see my boner!

    I cannot get into the echo chamber strike